söndag 9 oktober 2011

Generator Norrköping: The Core of Creativity

Om någon skär ett äpple på ett ur matperspektiv felaktigt sätt, ett gyllene snitt, bildar kärnan en stjärna. Om någon stämmer gitarren fel kan det vara helt rätt väg till nya låtar. Om någon vänder på orden så att de tillsammans ger uttryck för sådant som de egentligen inte innehåller och som överraskar med att säga något annat än det som är tänkt. Om någon, någon gång, verkligen lyckas låta händerna forma leran utan att låta tanken styra. Alltså; exempel på kreativitet.

Årets Generatorkonferens går av stapeln i Norrköping den 15-16 november (nästa år kandiderar vi för att få arrangera den i Gävle). För första gången riktar sig konferensen även till internationella aktörer varav delar av programmet är på engelska.
Läs mer om programmet här el nedan:

The programme
At the conference we will focus on the nature of the cultural and creative industries and their importance for the local trade and industry and how they can boost regions, municipalities and the country as a whole. The conference program is divided into three main topics that interconnect on different levels:

Topic #1 – At the core of creativity
What is the creative process? How does it work? How does it vary between different branches due to industry-specific conditions? Naturally it differs greatly working with creating apps for smart phones on a existing market where supply and demand works as it should, compared to creating animated documentary short films with little or no assets but your own strong will and a lot of (unpaid) hours. What do we need to know about the creative process and its practitioners to create the best conditions for them to generate new ideas, innovation and jobs? Theory and real-life cases are presented in a inspiring mix.

Topic #2 – A world of opportunities
By connecting the cultural and creative industries with industries that historically has been hesitant to apply creativity as a means to improve their business, we open up for all sorts of opportunities. It could be the creation of a new music festival that turns around millions of its own, and at the same time generates ten-folds in income for the local community, or it could be helping a city lift itself and its brand from being seen as a crime-intensive municipality to a place where you want your children to grow up, or it could be about helping a producer of roof top boxes for cars to find cost-effective ways of improving the user-experience of its products, thus being able to charge more for them. Here we look at best-practice examples and take a look into what the future might bring.

Topic #3 – This is how we do it
Under this topic we go down to business and discuss different methods that you can use in your day-to-day work in promoting and assisting the cultural and creative industries. How do we get different industries to meet and realize how they can benefit from each other? We will also focus on the individuals that work in this field of expertise. What is expected from you? What is your driving force? Do you need to be creative yourself? How do you go about to make your work both valuable and enjoyable? Here we get new ideas going, exchange experiences and learn from each other.

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